Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • David Guiraud D. Guiraud is Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Neural Eng., Associate Editor of EMBC conferences "track rehabilitation, theme 6" 2010-2013, Member of the organizing committee of IEEE NER 2013 (more than 550 registrations for the 2013 edition), member of the steering committee of "Institut des Technologies pour la Santé", Chair of the Labex Numev "Aide à la personne malade et déficiente" specific action. D. Guiraud was reviewer for the 2013 ERC consolidator program panel PE7. specific action.

  • C. Azevedo-Coste is Board member of IFESS society (international functional electrical stimulation society) and Associate Editor of Paladyn Behavioral Robotics Journal.

  • M. Hayashibe is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Rehabilitation Robotics, and Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics, Biosignal processing and computational methods to enhance sensory motor neuroprosthetics.

  • François Bonnetblanc is reviewer for several journals : Journal of Neuroscience (2011), IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (2012), Neurosurgery, Journal of Neurology, Research in Developmental Disabilities (2012), Neurocase, Experimental Brain Research, Neuroscience Letters et Journal of Biomechanics.

  • Daniel Simon was member of the RTNS'13 (Real Time Networks and Systems) and ETFA'13 (Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation int. conference program commitees and of the IFAC Joint Conference (Grenoble, february 2013) organization committees. Peer reviewer for the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics and the Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International journals, and for the ECC'13, SysTol'13, ECC'14 and ACC'14 int. conferences.

  • D. Andreu is co-organizer of the french working group on Control Architectures of Robots of the french GdR Robotique and assistant manager of the Robotic Department (LIRMM).

  • F. Soulier was Local coordinator of the Belem (BioElectronics for Medical Engineering) intensive program for the University of Montpellier 2 (Erasmus program).